Friday, November 30, 2007

Damn You're Ugly

So, the other day I went out to dinner and a movie with my friend A. We had a fabulous meal at this Thai place downtown. Sooo good. Their spring rolls are the best I've ever had--and so nicely displayed! Feeling good, high on green tea and full of tofu in garlic sauce, we walked from the restaurant to the movie theater. As we we were waiting to cross the street a car drove by slowly, then the guy in the backseat looked straight at me and said, "Damn You're Ugly." I was so shocked! Don't worry it takes more than some sad little man to ruin my night or make me feel ugly. Plus, I know I looked damn good that night! But, I have to wonder what could be wrong with that person. Seriously, who would say that to someone on the street? Issues with women? Issues with the fact that he looked like a woman? Random rage? Who knows. But I have to feel bad for a person that needs to belittle strangers on the street to feel good about themselves.

P.S. Saw American Gangster. It was long. It was good. It was pretty violent. Denzel is awesome. Russel Crowe is now fat. The mob is scary. Drugs are bad.

1 comment:

Jedikalos said...

At least he didn't say this:

Can I have your number? Can I have your number?