Saturday, January 5, 2008

11 days later

Two posts in one day! WOW! That's what happens when you wake up at 3 am.

So, after that asshole ran the red light and I hit him, besides having no more car. Poor Trogdor (burninating the villagers!) is in car heaven. And having to go through so much hassle with insurance companies. My injuries kind of suck. I realize I am sooooo incredibly lucky to not be broken and to still be able to go on my trip. I understand that and am sooooo happy for it. But having said that...

My knee freakin' hurts!! This is the only injury that really worries me. I'm going to be doing so much walking on my trip. And if it hurts just sitting here whats it going to be like hiking in Snowdonia National Park in Wales? But I'm hoping it will be in better shape by the time I leave.

The stupid bruises. I know this is trifling, but I'm in a complaining mood. They are everywhere! My left leg from ankle to above the knee is a mass of bruises. They are finally starting to heal and turn that sickly yellowy greeny color. Really only the super bad ones are left but its still sore even though you can't see them all anymore. My right ankle(the stupid gash isn't healed yet either) is bruised and tender still. Bruises on my hip from the seat buckle are still here as is the cut from the seat buckle. There is nothing like climbing into bed(left leg first) and crying out in pain from the shock. I keep forgetting they're there. Damn bruises.

Stupid neck. And collar bone. And right ankle. Those are just sore but damn.

Yes, I'm a wuss. And a complainer. I don't deny it. But it sucks. I'm not used to having pain just sitting here!

But I am extremely lucky! I'm alive, unbroken, uncomafied. It could have been so much worse: what if I couldn't walk? or dance??!

Maybe that's why I've been dancing sooo much in the past days. I CAN!

Songs I've danced to so far today: Outkast - B.O.B., Josh Ritter - To the dogs..., Rumors, Lillian Egypt, Bruce Springsteen - Radio Nowhere.


Anonymous said...

Haha, I was just dancing to To The Dogs! But then I felt kinda sick. Though thats probably from the STRONG wood cleaner Liz was using. With no ventilation, whatsoever. Oh Look, a butteryfly!

Anonymous said...

you are going to have the best time-i am soooooooo jealous. if i win the lottery i will come visit you there!
p.s. don't you think these goggles are a bit dodgy?"

Jedikalos said...

cars are an invention of the Dark Lord.